Keep Your Head Up

This past week a person that I once knew committed suicide.  He was one of those people that you couldn’t help but stop and admire because of the strength and compassion that he showed towards others.  This tragic death made me think about what the teenagers today are learning.  I feel like my generation was born into a time where even the strongest struggle to remember that they are important.  A time where we throw broken things away because it would be too “hard” to fix them.  A time where people are so willing to exchange vicious words with us that we forget that they ever said anything else.  But most of all, the teens have grown up with the mentality that they are alone. I’m not even sure why.  We just tend to retreat into the safety of our own minds and shut everyone else out, making us completely, utterly and painfully alone.  And they don’t know what to do.  They don’t know who to turn to because they don’t feel like they have anyone in this world that cares enough to help them.  They forget that their parents love them because of the fights.  They question their relationships with other people because sometimes, we forget to tell those that we love just how much they mean to us.  And they forget that even if they didn’t have one single person in this world, they would have something so much better.  God’s love.

For me, it’s scary.  It’s scary to know that people my age are turning to other, more harmful alternatives because they forget that they are loved.  Because they forget that people are only confined by the walls that they build around themselves.

I’m just going to pretend that more people than my five to ten family members read this blog and hope that I can help a young person through it.  Because I’ve been there too.  Every day is a struggle for everyone you know in some way or another.. Just because they’re strong doesn’t mean they haven’t been broken.

1.)  be yourself.   People will always have their opinions of you despite who you are and what you are capable of.  You can’t let other people define who you are, because it is very, very likely that they are dead wrong.  They don’t know how special you are.  They obviously don’t see how beautiful you are.  They don’t know you.  If they did, they wouldn’t be judging you so harshly.  You can only put your best foot forward every step of the way and have faith in yourself.


2.) love.  Sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together. I know that it’s hard to believe, but chances are that if your mom had married the first boy she ever fell in love with… You wouldn’t be here today.  Teenagers today are so ready to grow up and fall in love that we forget all about the benefits of being a teen.  You and your boyfriend/ girlfriend breaking up is not the end of the world.  I know that you’ve heard this five million times, but have you ever stopped to think about how true that sentence really is?  Do yourself a favor (this one mainly goes to the girls.)  Stop comparing your love story to those that you see in the movies. They’re written by scriptwriters, yours is written by God.


3.) Stop, take a deep breath, and pray.   It’s just a bad day.  Or week, or month, or maybe even year, but that doesn’t mean your whole life is going to be bad.  You still have a future, and it’s as bright as can be.  Having faith in God means having faith in His timing.  It may seem like He’s forgotten about you now, but when you look back in a few years you’ll see that the single set of footprints wasn’t you wandering around alone, it was Him carrying you.   Whatever it is that’s worrying you right now, forget about it.  Take a deep breath, and trust in God.


4.) be inspiring.  Be so happy, that when others look at you they become happy too.  As cheesy as it may sound, a  simple smile can change the outlook of a person’s entire day.  We sometimes underestimate the influence of little things simply because we let ourselves think that they’re stupid and completely ignore how they might seem to other people.  But do it anyway.  Challenge yourself to do an ARK a day.  (If you haven’t seen Evan Almighty, that’s an “Act of Random Kindness.”)  Spread some warmth and joy in this cold world of ours.


5.) be strong.  You were given this life because you are strong enough to handle it.  Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.   It is going to be hard.  You’ll get discouraged.  You’ll get lost.  You’re going to wish it would just stop, that you could end it.  That something could take the pain out of your day.  Don’t quit.  Suffer now and spend the rest of your life as a champion.  Come on, kid.  This is your life.  This is your dream.  Make the most of it.


Have a good week, my loves.

“You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you.”

–Romans 5:8

Since this week wasn’t a very photographic post, here’s my valentine, which I mentioned in Week Nine.


Thank you to everyone that follows me here on my blog or on my FaceBook page,  you have no idea how much it means to me, and I consider you all my Valentines (:  Thank you so much for your dedication.

Just Breathe

If you know me at all then you know how easily I get stressed out.  Almost all of my close friends could give you their personal story about having to try to comfort me and make me snap out of my distressed trance..

Last weekend I went on a retreat with the other confermandi (I just love saying that word) from my church and, like every other retreat I’ve ever gone on with those amazing people, it reminded me of some pretty important things.


Nothing is so horrible that it can’t be forgiven.  Now, please keep in mind that this is not me saying that you can go on a killing spree and get off easy, because that is most definitely NOT what I’m saying.  I’m just saying that you can still start over.  It’s never too late.



 Sometimes, the most simple things in life are the best.  The first night of retreat I looked up to see my friend reading her bible in the dark with her tiger flashlight.  It is the most amazing flashlight I’ve ever seen.  It roars.  Anyways, she may have given me a strange look when she heard my shutter go off in the silent room, but it was worth it because of her response to the picture after she saw it.



 It may seem cheesy, but journals work.  I was pretty reluctant when the team handed it to me because of the stack of journals in the corner of my closet that I tried to keep when I was younger, but now I love it.  I have one from last summer, and when I went back and read it last weekend it reminded me of how my life has changed since then.  Plus, they’re a great way to vent because they can’t judge.  If you believe that your journal judges you, you may want to seek some professional help (;



Remember what is really important and let go of what isn’t.  One of my friend’s advice to me was “Think to the future. Where will you be in a few years? When you’re applying for colleges, will your one not so great English class or this one year when you stressed a lot about English class really matter? Not even a little.”  So while your problem may not be your high school English class, I think that what she said pretty much applies to any situation.  If you’re wondering what this photo has to do with anything, my answer is simple.  You have to focus on the most important things, shine your light on them, and let your worries go to the darkness.  (No offense, Joseph)



Have FUN. That same genius friend also said “Turn on some music and remember that it really will all be okay.  You may have a couple more sleepless nights in your future and a couple more days where all this hard work still doesn’t seem to be paying off, but then you have break. To relax. And live. And forget school. And breathe. And remember why you LOVE to live.”  She’s pretty amazing, and she’s also very right.  I had more fun on retreat than I’ve had in a long time because I was able to shut everything else out and just enjoy the moment, and I can honestly say that it really helped my relationships with my friends grow as well as letting me make new friends.



Friends are the best.  Some come into your life for a short time and some are here to stay, but no matter how long you know them, they change your life in some significant (or not so significant) way.

For example, “A” and I have been best friends since kindergarten, and we’re obviously going to be the old ladies causing a ruckus in the nursing home.



I think this one speaks for itself.

STOP.  Think about what has you worried.

BREATHE.  Focus on what you can learn from your situation.

PRAY.  If you still don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, pray about it.

Sometimes the solution is more simple than it seems.

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Have a wonderful week.

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”