An Inspiring Person: Here Comes Pancho Clos

Once upon a time, there was a magical man who spread joy and cheer to children all over the world. A jolly old man that everyone knows: Santa Claus. BUT, my story isn’t about him.

Have you ever wondered how Santa makes it all over the world in a single night? It’s a simple answer, really. His wonderful cousin, Pancho Clos. Santa and Pancho split up the load of gifts; wherever Santa and his reindeer can’t go, Pancho and his burros go, and vice versa.

Are you ready for some mind-blowing news? Pancho Clos is real, and he’s disguised as my high school Spanish teacher. I’m not even kidding.

Today Senor took some students from his classes along with some members of our Spanish club to go on the most amazing trip ever. We started our day off by going downtown to Haven for Hope and unloading a trunk full of food at their kitchen. After that we went to St. PJ’s Children’s Home where we sang Christmas carols with the kids and put a puppet show on for the children that are living there before Pancho Clos (Senor) and his burros (we students) g handed out gifts.  The joy on their faces (well, the ones that weren’t crying because the big man in the white beard scared them) gave me the most amazing feeling of warmth inside that I’ve ever experienced. You never fully comprehend how blessed you are in life until you see children get so excited over such simple pleasures. Before our trip, Senor tried explaining to me what I was going to see, but hearing about it and seeing it are two completely different things. I was expecting them to be happy, I mean it’s Christmas, who wouldn’t be excited? But their expressions were just the most amazing things you’ll ever see on a little person’s face. There aren’t words that can truly describe it because sometimes, words just can’t explain everything.

If you want to be technical, there isn’t a jolly old man chillin in the North Pole, nor does his equally jolly primo live in the South Pole, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe. Why? Because even though my Spanish teacher isn’t technically one of those amazing men, he’s pretty dang close. Think about it, the whole point of Santa Claus and Pancho Clos is to bring people peace, joy, and love. Personally, I think that Senor is doing a terrific job at bringing my community all three. You see, it doesn’t take having flying reindeer or magic elves to make someone’s life a little bit better. It takes just a small amount of effort and will power, because those two things can go a very long way.

So, this week I have a challenge to anyone and everyone that sees this post. Do something to bring joy to another person. You don’t have to know them, and you don’t have to dress up as Santa and deliver gifts to an orphanage, any act makes a tremendous difference, no matter how great or small. Better than that, challenge yourself to do so periodically. Volunteer to do something in your community. Animal shelters, libraries, churches… It’s not like they’ll turn you down.  This blog isn’t just about my story. Life is about trying to make a difference in this messed up world. So why wait?

“If you can’t do great things, Mother Teresa used to say, do little things with great love. If you can’t do them with great love, do them with a little love. If you can’t do them with a little love, do them anyway.
Love grows when people serve.”
― John Ortberg
P.S.  Did you know that Play Doh is edible ? 😉
 *this is an inside joke… PLEASE do not try eating Play Doh..