Oh, Baby!

Last Saturday I was blessed with the opportunity of photographing Sweet Little Miss Madeleine with her absolutely wonderful parents.   This was my first newborn session, and you have no idea how worried I was beforehand.. That being said, I think that now would be a good time to apologize to Joe and Casey for being so awkward.. (;

All three of them were such a pleasure to work with, even if Madeleine wasn’t in a sleeping mood!  I absolutely loved being able to be there to see (and capture) all of the love that was so evident in this beautiful family, and I’m sure I’m not the only one that can see that these two are already wonderful parents.

*Click on any photo to see the full size*

Have a wonderful week, all!!

Lens Love

For my birthday I got a Nikkor 50mm lens, and I’m in loooooooove with it.

This past weekend we celebrated my cousin’s third birthday at my Grandma’s house, so I had the perfect opportunity to try it out [:

This little cutie and his older brother spend the entire year going around singing “Happy Birthday” and blowing out any candles that they can find, so I’m sure you can imagine just how ecstatic they are when it’s their actual birthday and they get to blow out real birthday candles and have people sing to them for real.



One of the younger kids’ favorite things to do is to go down to my grandpa’s chicken coop and gather whatever eggs are waiting for them in the nests.  Usually there’ll be one or two for them to find, but this weekend we discovered a whopping THIRTEEN eggs.

(this is the part where I go all photo nerd on y’all)  Just LOOK at the clarity and blur in these photos!  It’s absolutely beautiful!


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And of course, all good days end with fun and games, or more specifically– funny faces and Hi-Ho! Cherry-O!!


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(Remember, to see the full size photo in its full quality just click on it)

Have a fun-filled week, everyone! [:

It’s the Little Things

Last Sunday I mainly took some photos of things that I love about where I live, the first obviously being my adorable grandparents. [:


My grandparents always have fresh vegetables at their house.  Grandpa’s garden was one of my favorite places to hang out when I was younger.DSC_3578

Every Sunday my grandma cooks for our entire family, and after we’re done my grandpa takes the scraps out to the dog, Sparky.  He has been around since I was a little girl, and has brought all seven of us grandchildren joyful memories.


When we were little and my grandparents would take care of my brothers and me while my mom was at work we’d sometimes help them with the flower beds.  Our hard work (making a giant mess while my grandma followed fixing our mistakes) was often rewarded by the discovery of a big, juicy earth worm or some snails.  But I’d never seen one actually come out of its shell before, so Sunday was a bit of a first for me. DSC_3664 DSC_3679

Aaaaaaand, that’s all I had time for.  Have a beautiful week!

A Beautiful Person

Yesterday I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful person, who also happens to be one of my best friends.  She’s always so happy and energetic, and she made our photo shoot adventure a blast!  Janelle is turning 16 on Sunday, so her mother and I decided it was time for her to stop being so stubborn, put on a pretty dress, and get in front of a camera (;

So, without further ado, here are some photos from our session…

*click on an image to see the full size*

It’s all fun and games until the gummy bears and bread start flying

This past weekend was the Relay for Life!  And it was kind of a flop sale wise.. But we team members had a LOT of fun entertaining ourselves (:

 We were *supposed* to have a photo booth (and we did), but like I said, our team sales at the actual event were at an all time low..

But, this fact certainly didn’t keep Molly and me from having fun (;

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Molly modeling one of my props before the relay :


Guess who got a fake Flounder tattoo [:


Molly blowing bubbles:


Our team:


Today my cousin took Molly and me to the river to hang out for a while and feed the ducks, which resulted in the two of us running around and pelting each other with bread and gummy bears.. In fact, I just got a text a little while ago from my cousin saying that when they changed Molly into her pajamas they found a gummy bear stuck inside of her dress [:  The goofball also began collecting sticks in an attempt to make a bow and arrow to launch the little twigs at me.

At one point Molly got so mad at me that she took a bunch of bread and made a trail leading up to me for the ducks to follow in hopes that they’d follow it and attack me..ducks

The best part of that.. Is that it almost worked-WOULD have worked- if the ducks weren’t so scared of people.  I guess I lucked out..

Here are some pics of the sweet little thing before she decided to make me a target.molly2molly  

We also found some eggs up in a tree! [:  That’s how I finally got her to stop throwing things at me.DSC_2020

Overall it was a pretty dang good weekend [:

Only two major projects and a lot of finals left, and then we’re done with school!

Have a great week!!