The Girl Behind the Camera

Hi!  My name is Cassie, and I’m a self-taught fifteen year old with a passion for photography… But you already knew that.  The first thing that you should know about me is that I’m really bad at writing about myself.  So if my posts ever sound awkward, that’s why.

Self Portrait

Fun Facts About Me? This should be good..

1.) I started teaching myself about photography in the fifth grade.

2.) Self portraits are extremely frustrating for me.  I’d rather be behind the camera than in front of it.

3.) I love helping other people.

4.)  I absolutely love anything  that has to do with  Disney.

5.)  I’m in my school’s choir, but I can’t sing 😉

6.)  I love to read and write, but I hate to combine the two and annotate  (who doesn’t?)

7.) Speaking of, I think that it’s important to note that ‘annotating’ and ‘fun’ should never, ever be used in the same sentence… Unless you’re saying something like “It would be fun to throw that book I’m annotating down the garbage disposal.”

8.)  All I have to do is clean my room to find exciting new things, so there’s no point in shopping.

9.)  It’s gotten to where my three-year old cousin sees me and immediately asks where my camera is.

10.)  I’m usually pretty happy, unless I have to wake up early.  I am not a morning person. At all.

11.)   Some of my best memories come from the Teen ACTS Retreats that I have been on through church.  If you ever have the opportunity to go on one, you should.

12.)  I love to try to inspire other people.

13.)  I do my best writing when it’s late.. My brain comes up with some pretty interesting points when I’m tired.

14.)  I’d say that I’m a “farm girl,”  but technically, it’s a ranch 😛

15.)  Being able to fill in that I speak two languages on surveys makes me feel so cool.

15.)  My friends mean the world to me.  Without them I would most likely be just a little insane.

16.)  Have I mentioned that I’m really bad at writing about myself?

Self Portrait