Something Old

So I was planning on doing something witty about old things, but it turns out that doing a google search for “something old” will only get you five billion pages talking about “Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.”  Since this week isn’t about a wedding (that’s in April!) that saying doesn’t really apply, so I actually have to try being creative.

For my photography class at school we have to put together a portfolio, one of the categories being extraordinary architecture.  Architecture is something I’ve never really explored, and it’s actually pretty frustrating for me..  I don’t know why, seeing as it seems like I should just be able to take a picture of a building and call it a day, but (unfortunately) photography doesn’t seem to work that way, neither does my mind, for that matter.

So I figured that maybe old buildings would make it a little easier since more contrast with them can be more captivating.  I think they’re pretty decent for my first try : P  But of course this isn’t the end of my architecture adventures.

The first place we went was the old county courthouse:


I love the color of that door.. Just saying.


Then we drove by this field, which is also old in a way, seeing as a lot of my childhood memories involve the boots on their fence.

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Then I found this little shed 😀


Then we went to pick up my little brother from the family welding shop.DSC_6361 DSC_6359 DSC_6358

My grandfather was a blacksmith back in the day.  He died a long time before I was born, so I never really got to see this place put to use, but it sure made for a fun scene when my brothers and I played cowboy games : )


And the last place we went (well, the first really- I just don’t feel like moving all of these photos up to the top of the post, lol)  was the church.  Cemeteries speak of “old” on so many levels, so I thought it might turn out cool.


And that is all of my Saturday afternoon adventure, but trust me- there will be many more to come : )

Have a great week!