Believe in YOURSELF

“I’m not good enough.”

“There’s always going to be someone better than me.”

“Everyone else is so talented, and I’m… not.”

Face it.  You have found yourself saying these things at least once in your life.  You look at the girl walking down the hallway with nothing but confidence in herself, and you wonder why you can’t be like her.

As human beings, it seems like we’re programmed that way. We can see the value in everyone else: their strengths, their talents, their worth.  But we don’t see it in ourselves.  No matter how hard we try, we can’t see it in ourselves.

But it’s there.

Trust me, when you were created, God didn’t say “Eeeh, I’ve given enough talent and beauty out for one day, I’ll just skip this one person.”

We are all talented.  Each and every one of us.  Just because we have different talents from everyone else does NOT mean that ours aren’t there.  Our talents are what make us unique.   They set us apart from the rest of the crowd.  They give us each our own value and potential. 

When we look at other people and see their insecurities, it baffles us.  Why don’t they see that they are amazing?  Why can’t that girl see that she is beautiful, that she doesn’t need to change herself to fit in with what society thinks?  Why don’t they see what we see?

I, for one, believe that it is because we live with our talents everyday.  At some point, they just aren’t as exciting to us as we think other people’s are.  They are so intertwined in our lives that they seem all too ordinary.

You can work a camera, so what? That isn’t as exciting as the way your  friend can draw the most realistic drawings that you’ve ever seen while you sit there rockin’ the stick figures, or the way that your best friend can bring different characters to life with her acting, while it takes every muscle in your body to force yourself to stand up and give a tiny speech, or the way that playing baseball seems so effortless for that other friend, when it’s all you can do to keep from tripping over your own two feet.

But it is.  Your talent is just as exciting and beautiful as everyone else’s.  You just have to take a step back and find a way to see that for yourself.  You have to encourage yourself.  Don’t strive to bring yourself down, but to help pick yourself up.

God isn’t the type to let us fail.  He may give you some struggles along the way, but they will always teach you something.  He isn’t going to let you mess up in life so utterly that you can’t get back up on your feet.  That type of complete failure does not exist.  Everything that happens in our lives is for a purpose.  To teach us a vital lesson, to open up a new door, to help us see things in a new light. But never to let us fail.

We have to trust.  Trust in God’s plan.  Trust in the strengths that he gave us.  Trust ourselves  to make the right choices and to be strong enough to keep moving forward.

It’s as simple as that.  Without trust, we can’t see ourselves the way that others do.  At the end of the day, you won’t be happy unless you trust in your God and love the person that he created you to be.


Have a beautiful week, loves.  Take a step back and try seeing yourself as others do.